Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Quick Update: New Job!

I'm a few weeks into the new job at the range, and I'm absolutely loving it!

The owners are wonderful people, my co-workers are already like family to me, and I get to talk guns/ammo and training every day I'm there, with customers from all walks of life. And I'm getting paid to do it! :)

If you had asked me five years ago what I'd be doing today, I never would have imagined it would be this. But I truly feel like I've found my calling in life (as goofy as that may sound).

Once I settle in a little more, I'll be taking some NRA instructor level courses, and hopefully will get to start teaching some classes! :)

That's it for now....gotta go get ready to head to my dream job! :)


  1. I'm so excited for you! We need more enthusiastic women shooters working in gun retail.

  2. What? This is really interesting news. I am definitely looking for training opportunities in the DFW area. Not just for myself but my wife, daughter/daughter in law and son.

    Please let me know if you can share the name of the range.

    1. For now, it's all pretty basic stuff (basic pistol, basic rifle, new/renewal chl, etc), but we'll definitely be adding lots more as we go! :)

      In the interest of privacy, I'll email you with the name of the range. ;)
