Monday, March 19, 2012

More on How I Got Here

In a previous post, I mentioned that the AR15 was a "training aid" for my daughter. We wanted her to have some knowledge on how it functions, how to shoot it, and how to break it down, clean it and reassemble it before she ships for basic training.

My baby girl joined the National Guard, and I am incredibly proud.

But soon after her swearing in, I started to have feelings of getting left behind. Maybe it was the beginnings of "empty nest" syndrome, when your kids pack up and leave home to begin their own lives as adults.

More than once I found myself in tears wondering "What will I do once she's gone?" The last seventeen years of my life have been for her. About keeping her safe, and trying to teach her how to be a responsible adult. And in a few short months, the Army will take over that responsibility and teach her how to be a soldier. I want to be a part of that, but didn't really know how, other than being her moral support on the phone when she is able to call, and writing her mass amounts of letters.

Then one day I thought: "Why can't I learn to do some of things she will be taught once the Army takes over? I can get physically fit. I can learn to shoot and defend myself and those around me."

So I set some goals, and am working toward those.
  • Personal training at the gym. And actually going. The burn in my muscles is oddly comforting. It makes me realize that what I'm doing WILL pay off.
  • Learning to become a runner. I've actually always hated running, but I'm currently in training for a 5K coming up in May. And I find I'm really enjoying it. Weird.
  • I'll be getting my CHL in the very near future.
  • I'm looking at taking some Krav Maga classes
  • I'm already looking into taking some NRA instructor courses so that someday I can teach other women how to protect themselves, and maybe help some "find themselves" as well.
I have never really set goals for myself before, so this should be an interesting journey.
Already along the way, I've met resistance from others. Some people ask "Why do you want to do that?" Others tell me "Are you crazy?" or "You can't do that."

Like hell, I can't. Watch me.

Is this what a mid-life crisis feels like?


  1. Hi! I'm so glad you stopped by my blog and this post is so timely. You see, even though I'm old, I'm still just barely under the enlistment age for the Army and I am *seriously* considering joining. So seriously, I have an appointment with a recruiter on Thursday. I was thrilled to jump over here and some of the goals you've set for yourself, as there very similar to goals I have for myself. I *despise* running, but I'd better learn to love it :)

    1. Kudos to you! I considered it when I was about 20 (more than a few years ago) and never did it. Now that my daughter has joined, I'm sort of playing the "what if I did?" game with myself. It would be my luck we'd end up training together and she'd smoke me! :)

      If I can help with the running, or by relaying any Guard info, please let me know!

  2. You can do whatever you want. Keep on going. You can inspire others to look more objectively at shooting, and staying in shape.

  3. Awesome, That is on my list of buys in the near future.
